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Arthritis Services for Pets

Diagnosing and providing treatment for dogs and cats with joint deterioration.

One widely held belief is arthritis only affects aging pets and that’s not the case. Though senior dogs and cats are typically diagnosed with osteoarthritis, younger pets that are genetically predisposed, have untreated injuries, or obesity can be impacted by the disease. To learn more about arthritis, please contact us at 905-571-3700.

Which body parts does arthritis affect?

Pets with arthritis experience the degeneration of their joints. As the joint’s protective cartilage wears away, your pet is more likely to experience pain as the friction between their bones increases. Arthritis typically affects your pet’s mobility first, often impacting their ability to move around at home, their activity level and overall quality of life. This is a result of arthritis affecting a range of your pet’s body parts, including their:

  • Legs
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Elbows
  • Wrists

What treatments are available for my dog or cat?

Before we can determine a treatment plan for your pet, they need to diagnose your pet’s arthritis. First, we do a physical assessment to determine how your pet’s body is being impacted by the disease. We’re also guided by the discussion of your pet’s symptoms since you spend the most time with them. X-rays can also help us look internally.

How can I help my dog or cat manage their pain?

As in human medicine, we have a variety of medications available to manage your dog or cat’s pain, depending on the treatment options they undergo. Our goal with pain management is to help your dog or cat retain as much of their quality of life by engaging in as many of their usual activities as possible.

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